Friday, February 19

Dreaming of summer...

I am officially dreaming of summer days, where I can wear a tank top and flip flops, lounge on a beautiful beach, and read a good book. Since it is only February, my fantasy is a bit far-fetched. But I am counting down the days till June, when not only is it my favorite time of the year (my birthday is in July), but it is a time when I do not have to think about any schoolwork. I can focus on reading whatever I want without feeling guilty about it. So, in preparation for this lovely time of year, and yes, I know it is four months away, I have begun my Summer Reading List. A compilation of all the books that I have heard about, read about, seen, or been recommended to me, that unfortunately, I do not have the time to read right now. So here is the beginning of this very important list, that I will be adding to throughout this semester. I will also tell you where I heard about each one, which may help with your own reading adventures.

Sarah’s Key- Tatiana de Rosnay
The Forest of Hands and Teeth- Carrie Ryan

*I read about both of these books on an online college blog called
College Candy, where there is a series called "Saturday Read." These reviews are very thorough and cover a bunch of different genres each week. Check it out!

True Blood series- Charlaine Harris

*I am assuming that everyone has read, or at the very least, heard of the
Twilight series. They are the best books, love story, yay vampires, blah blah blah. Yeah, I know they are good. But I think the fad has gone too far, especially as a fan of the books before anyone read them, and when someone asked what you were reading and you said it was about vampires, you received a strange look. Ok no more Twilight rant. So apparently before Twilight ruled the teen world, Charlaine Harris wrote a series of books called True Blood. There is a television show based on these books, although I have never seen it. A friend recommended these books to me, and said that she couldn't put them down. So why not?

An Abundance of Katherines- John Green
Looking for Alaska- John Green

*I reviewed
Paper Towns by John Green a couple months ago, and then saw these two books pop up while I was skimming through Amazon. His other book was good, so I figured I would try these out too. If I like one of a particular author's books, I will usually try out the rest of his/her collection. Typically, when one is good, the others that he or she have written are on the same level. This is not true for every author, but it is worth a try.

I will add more when I stumble on one that is worthy of this very memorable list. Stay tuned.


knh109 said...

Also, you know...your friend Kaylee reccomended both of those last two, and she has GREAT taste in books so...there's that, too....

Liz Mattarazzo said...

I did not know True Blood was a book series. They were showing that marathon on CCN this week, haha. Anyways - I'm glad you have something to look forward to. Ironically as I read this Kate was saying how much she wants it to be summer - so she can get away from me, jeez, haha. Just kidding. But yes - yay summer

Karissa said...

Haha of course Kaylee :]

And YAY summer, liz. That's okay that Kate wants to get away from you, because when she can't see you, I CAN! So I am going to a be a little selfish when I say that I can't wait for summer because then you will be home!